Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Pictures of the school from the day before the flood

School started again today, but I realized that I forgot to put these pictures from before the flood up earlier. It had rained in the early morning of the day that I took these pictures so many students did not come to school.

Although it had stopped raining, the ground stayed wet all day.

We started school late to decide if school should be closed or not, but even though there were so few kids we had classes anyway.

Mollishmael shoveling water out of dips in the ground.

Anything that fell on the ground was done for.

Mangos on the mango tree!

The four from my class who could come! Left to right: Happy, Hannah, Emmanuel and Kobby.

We drew pictures of our families and labeled each member with their name and age.

The first grade wanted to draw pictures, too, so I ripped them some pages out of my notebook.

Hannah wants to be a teacher so she decided to correct the first graders' work.

Gloria, a local teacher, with the fourth grade.

Elaine, a friend from my study abroad program, teaching third grade.

Second grade presented their drawings to first grade.

The kids and me showing off our work!

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